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HiTek Power LTD(U.K)!!
Wayne Kerr Electronics Ltd(U.K)!!
Time Electronics Ltd(U.K)!!
TDI-Transistor Devices, Inc(U.S.A)!!
Petrick GmbH (Germany)!!

精密電子儀器 (Precise Electronic Instruments and Equipments) 紡織產品 (Textile Products)

精密電子儀器 (Precise Electronic Instruments and Equipments)

HiTek Power Ltd (U.K)

X-Ray Power Supply


72W max high voltage output power

20W grounded filament
Exceptionally compact size
Local and remote operation
CE marked
EU RoHS compliant to 2002/95/EC
Safety interlock
High accuracy and stability

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DC Power Supply(0-300kV)


Output voltages from 1kV to 80kV
High packing density – 400W in 1U (2U for 80kV)
Exceptional reliability
Complies with SEMI F47 standard
High Stability
Arc Count and Extinguish (ACE)
CE marked
RoHS compliant
Full Local and Remote control and monitoring
Voltage or Current control
Positive or negative polarity units available
Custom options available

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10kW output power
Output voltages from 60kV to 300kV
Robust IGBT converter design
Exceptional reliability
High Stability
Arc Count and Extinguish (ACE)
Full Local and Remote control and monitoring
Analogue or RS232 remote control
Voltage or Current control
RoHS compliant to EU Directive 2002/95/EC
Custom options available
CE marked

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Wayne Kerr Electronics Ltd (U.K)

LCR Meter +DC Bias(Up to 125A)

3260B Precision Magnetics Analyzer/3265B 25A DC BIAS

Measured Parameters: L,Z,Rdc,C
Frequency Range: 20 Hz to 3 MHz
Basic Accuracy: L,Rac,Z,Cp ± 0.1%
25 mA to 25 A DC bias in 0.025 A steps
Up to 11 V DC compliance voltage

3260B Precision Magnetics Analyzer/3261A Telecom Unit

Measured Parameters: L,Z,Rdc,C
Frequency Range: 20 Hz to 3 MHz
Basic Accuracy: L,Rac,Z,Cp ± 0.1%
Frequency range: 10kHz to 3MHz

6440B Precision Component Analyzers

0.02% Basic measurement accuracy
Comprehensive measurement functions,

    C, L, Z, Y, X, B, Rac, Rdc, G,
Q, D, Ø & Resonant Frequency to 3MHz

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